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Fierce Literacy is committed and passionate about your child's learning.  You can count on us to be professional, timely, efficient and make sure you are satisfied every step of the way.


We provide structured literacy, dyslexia, and language instruction using an approach accredited by the International Dyslexia Association & based on the Institute for Multi-sensory Education's (IMSE) Orton Gillingham methodology and Structured Literacy model. This methodology is research-based, structured, explicitly taught, & sequential in its design. Our approach meets the recommendations of the National Reading Panel and follows the International Dyslexia Association's Knowledge and Practice Standards. IMSE’s Orton Gillingham Structured Literacy model.  This instruction incorporates a variety of modalities to activate auditory, visual, & kinesthetic pathways in the brain.  This multi-sensory integration is critical to ensure mastery & retention of foundational literacy skills. We look forward to helping your child improve across all areas of literacy!
*Because we are focusing on skill remediation and targeting specific skills in individualized IMSE Orton Gillingham sessions, we do NOT provide assistance with classwork or homework unless it is directly related to the student’s targeted literacy instruction.  For example, we may work on a written expression assignment and provide targeted feedback/”integrated phonics” to provide opportunities to generalize the skills we are learning. 
*School contracts are available for this service.


In response to the COVID-19 Roadmap to Reopening School Plans, Fierce Literacy offers in-person or remote instructional facilitation in order to help your child navigate this novel remote-learning world.  These instructional sessions are based on your child/children’s school-based assignments and will utilize research-based strategies and instructional practices to ensure your child as much success with grade-level material in a remote learning environment as he or she would have in a traditional school setting.  We look forward to helping your child in this new instructional modality.
*Small group instruction (up to 5 children) is available for this service.


At Fierce Literacy, our Language Arts instruction utilizes materials aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Reading.  The main focus of our program are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Reading Literature and Informational Text strands.  Additional English Language Arts strands such as written expression and grammar are integrated throughout each lesson.  Our program uses a research-based, gradual-release model instructional model.  It also includes higher level thinking questions and requires students to cite text evidence in order to support their answers. We look forward to helping your child improve in the area of Language Arts!
*We do provide homework assistance and remediation during the school year and throughout the summer for Language Arts


At Fierce Literacy, our Math Instruction utilizes materials aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics and  incorporates real-world problem solving during each session.   This instruction promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, and multiple representations help your child make connections and show the conceptual meaning behind each step of the mathematical procedure.  Our program links new concepts to prior knowledge through multiple approaches while encouraging critical thinking and complex reasoning. We look forward to helping your child reach his or her potential in the area of Mathematics!
*We do provide homework assistance and remediation during the school year and throughout the summer for Mathematics instruction.


We are now offering course-specific instruction for 6th through 12th grades in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social Sciences. This instruction includes content-specific remediation, homework assistance, and quiz/ assessment preparation.   We look forward to helping your child improve in his or her course-specific subjects!

Professional Services: Services
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